Monday 25 March 2013

Exception Handling Control Flow

When an exception is thrown, the control just jumps out of that line and goes to the catch block of the type of exception thrown. It is not like a method call where the calling position / stack is noted and the control will return back once the called method is executed. This is just like a go to (jump) and the control will never come back to the line where exception occurred. Lines of code that is between the line where exception occurred and the try block ends will never be executed.
There can be multiple catch blocks after try. If exception of same parent class needs to be handled (caught), then they should be ordered by most subclass first and then followed by super classes. For example, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException first, then we will have RuntimeException and thereafter Exception in this given order. finally block will always be executed irrespective of an exception thrown or not and this will be the last block of code executed.

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