Adv Java

 Collection Framework:-

Collection Framework provides an architecture to store and manipulate the group of objects. All the

 operations that you perform on a data such as searching, sorting, insertion, deletion etc. can be     

performed by Java Collection Framework. Collection simply means a single unit of objects.

 Collection framework provides many interfaces (Set, List, Queue, Deque etc.) and classes

(ArrayList, Vector, LinkedList, PriorityQueue, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet etc).

Collection :

Collection represents a single unit of objects.


• provides readymade architecture.

 • represents set of classes and interface.

 • is optional.

Collection framework

Collection framework represents a unified architecture for s. It has:

• Interfaces and its implementations i.e. classes

• Algorithm

             An array is collection of elements which are stared in continuous                   memory locations.

Limitations of array (or) disadvantages of array:
1.     The size of an array is fixed; it can’t be increased or decreased. Some times. The memory may be wasted or memory may not be sufficient.
2.     To perform the operations like Insertion, Deletion, Searching, Sorting etc. the program has to write there own logic.
3.     Because of the problems in an array the java people or java s/w people java people have come it collection framework introduction java 1.2 versions.

Collection object:
                                 An object is said to be collection object if it holds or stores a group of other objects.
Collection class:
                                A collection class is a class whose object can store group of other objects.

The objects performed by s1,s2,s3 and s4 are stored multiple times there by wasting the memory with in the JVM.

 To save the memory with in the jvm when the objects are stored in the collection object, the jvm stores the references of the objects with in the collection objects inside of storing the objects directly.

The collections are designed to store only objects that is the collections can not store primitive type values.
All the collection classes are available in “java.util” (utility) package.
All the collection interfaces and collection class and together as collection frame work.
All the collection classes are categorized into three groups’ i.e.
1.     List: this category is used to store group of individual elements where the elements can be duplicated. List is an Interface. “Array list, Linked list and vector” are the implementations class of list interfaces.
2.     Set: this category is used to store a group of individual elements. But they elements can’t be duplicated. Set is an interface.
Hash set, Linked Hash set and Tree set implementations of set interface.
3.     Map: this category is used to store the element in the form key value pairs where the keys can’t be duplicated, values can be duplicated.
Map is an interfaces “Hash Map, Linked Hash Map, Tree Map and Hash table are the implementation class of Map interface.

Array List: this class is an implementation class of list interface. This class is similar to an Array but its size can be increased or decreased. This class is used to store individual elements which can be duplicated. This class is “not synchronized”.
If an object is synchronized then only one thread can use the object at the same time, if an object is a not synchronized then multiple threads can access the object at the same time, which may lead to data inconsistency problems
Creation of Array List:
Syntax: Array List<E> al = new Array List<E>();
Array List<E> al = new Array List <E>(int initialcapacity);
Here, E represents element data type
Methods of Array List: 
1.     Boolean add(Element obj): this method is used to place the specified element to the end of List.
2.     Void add(int position, Element obj): this method is used to insert and element at the specified position.
3.     Boolean remove(Element obj): this method is used to remove the 1st occurrence of the specified element.
4.     Element remove(int position): this method is used to remove and Element from the specified position.
5.     Void clear(): this method remove all the elements available in the Array List.
6.     Int Size(): this method will return the count of the no.of elements available in the Array List.
7.     Boolean contains(element obj): this method returns true if the specified element is available in the Array List.
8.     Element get(int position): this method is used to access an Element that is available in the specified position.
9.     Element set(int position, Element obj): this method is used replace an element in the specified position with the specified element.

Import java.util.*;
class ArrayList demo{
Public static void main(string[] args){
//creation of ArrayList
ArrayList<String> al = new ArrayList<String>();
//adding elements to the ArrayList
//insert an element into ArrayList
//displaying the elements
//deleting the elements
//displaying the size
//displaying the elements using iterator
Iterator it = al.iterator();
}//end of while
       }//end of main
             }//end of class
Note: Iterator to using the display of elements one by one. (iterator is a interface)
Difference between Array List and Linked List:
Array List is an implement of class which follows Array structure. Array List is faster in Accessing the elements and solver in insertion and Deletion.
Linked List is an implementation class of List interface which follows tree structure. Linked List is solver in Accessing the elements and faster in insertions and deletion.
Difference between Array List and Vector:
The vector class is exactly similar to Array List. But it is synchronized.
Vector class:
This class is similar to Array List which can store group of individual elements. It allows storing duplicate values. Vector is a synchronized class.
Creation of vector:
Vector<E> v = new Vector<E>();
Vector<E> v = new vector<E>(int initial capacity);

Methods of vector:
1.     boolean add(Element obj)
2.     void add(int position, Element obj)
3.     boolean remove(Element obj)
4.     Element remove(int position)
5.     void clear()
6.     int size()
7.     boolean contains(Element obj)
8.     Element get(int position)
9.     Element get(int position, Elemnet obj)

//Vector program
Import java.util.*;
class vectordemo{
public static void main(String[] xyz){
//creation of vector
Vector<Integer> v = new vector<Integer>();
//adding elements to vector
v.add (new Integer(11));
v.add(new Integer(22));
v.add(new Integer(33));
v.add(44);//auto boxing
//displaying the elements
//deleting the elements
v.remove(new Integer(22));
//displaying the elements using general for loop
System.out.print(“List using for loop:”);
for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++){
System.out.print(v.get(i)+ “ “);
}//displaying the elements using for each loop
System.out.print(“\n List using for each loop:”);
for(int i:v)//unboxing{
System.out.print(i+” “);
ListIterator lit = v.listIterator();
//displaying the elements in forward direction
System.out.print(“\n forward direction:”);
System.out.print( “ “);
}//displaying the element in backward direction
System.out.print(“\n backward direction:”);
System.out.println(lit.previous()+” “);
              }//end of while
       }//end of while
}//end of class
Boxing: It is the process of converting a primitive type to object type and this process will be down automatically.
Unboxing: It is the process of converting an object type to primitive type and this process will be down automatically.
Note: The for each loop is design to work with Arrays and collections only, It is not a general purpose loop. 
*Difference between Iterator and List Iterator: Iterator and List Iterator both are Interfaces use for accessing the elements. The Iterator can be used to access the elements in forward direction only. Where as List Iterator accessing the elements in both forward and reserve direction.
*Hashset class: This class is the implementation class of set interface. It does not Synchronized. It does not guarantee the order of insertion. 
*Creation of Hashset:
Hashset<E> hs = new Hashset<E>();
Hashset<E> hs = new Hashset<E>(int capacity);
*Methods of Hashset
1.Boolean add(Element obj): This method is used to place the specified element into the set.
2.Boolean remove(Element obj): This method is used to delete the specified element from the set. If it is available.
3.Boolean contains(Element obj): This method return true if the specified element is available in the set.
4.Boolean isEmpty():This method return true if the set isEmpty.
5.intsize(): This method returns the count of the no.of elements available in the set.
6.void clear(): This method is used to delete all the elements from the set.
Import java.util.*;
class Hashsetdemo{
public static void main(String[] args){
HashSet<Integer> hs = new HashSet<Integer>();
System.out.println(“set:” + hs);
Iterator it = hs Iterator();
System.out.print(” “);
*Linked HashSet: This class is similar to HashSet class. But it will the guarantee order of insertion.
*TreeSet: This class is used to store group of individual elements, it does not allows duplicate values, it is not synchronized. It stores the elements following the natural order. (ascending/sorting order).
Note: The HashSet and LinkedHashSet will internally followed hashing technique which will reduce the searching time.
Import java.util.*;
class LinkedHashSetdemo{
public static void main(String[] args){
LinkedHashSet<Integer>lhs  = new LinkedHashSet<Integer>();
Iterator it = lhs.iterator();
System.out.println(” “);
import java.util.*;
class TreeSetdemo{
public static void main(String[] args){
TreeSet<Integer> ts = new TreeSet<Integer>();
Iterator it = ts.iterator();
System.out.println(” “);

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