Tuesday 26 March 2013

Tips to clear SCJP Exam

1) Give yourself atleast 3 months for preparation

2) Study at least one book preffered:K&B

3) Try writing the programs with experiments

4) Be very clear about overloading and overriding rules

5) Give 10-20 SCJP mock exams. Some are available on this blog at:
SCJP Mock exam archive

6) Be clever in ommiting options

7) Every question will have 2 fixed options (Compilation error and exception at runtime)

8) Look carefully to find how many choices are to be marked

9) Go on to solve questions that have less to read and easy to answer as by the end of SCJP exam you will be getting exhausted and loosing patience

10) First guess which concept is being tested and then bring out all the facts about that concept from the back of your mind.

11) There is an option to Mark the question so that before closing the test you can easily find which question you want to review. For each question you have doubt, check the checkbox labeled Mark at the top left corner.

Happy SCJP Cracking.
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  1. can u please provide me dumps of 2013 OCJP. mail me shanoor1988@gmail.com

    1. http://javafresherworld.blogspot.in/2013/03/ocjp-exam-details-syllabus-book-and.html
